Oxford Area School District Links and Data


What is PVAAS?

PVAAS is a way of analyzing a district's data to see if we are growing and moving forward. It's a lot of data, so, if you do not spend a lot of time working with data, it may take some work to understand.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has put together this document to tell you what you should know.

Fast Facts

The link below is to the overall picture of our school district. You can see our overall enrollment statistics, broken out in a few ways. Here, you can also see how many schools we have, and what their names are.You can click on any of the schools, and get the Fast Facts for each of the six.

Finally, you can click on School Performance to look at the breakdowns, and you can dig deeper and find out how different demographics did, and who the district should continue focusing on. Please note that there is overlap between the demographics. For example, some of our economically disadvantaged students may also be special education. There is overlap in any and all groups.

District Fast Facts


If you are interested in seeing the trends in scores, the KIDS COUNT Data Center has the graphs. This site has not been verified, but if anyone is interested in confirming that the data matches the state's, please post a message on the OASD Community Action Group Facebook Group and someone will joyfully accept your service to the community. Also, if anyone wants to make an OASD video tutorial on how to use this data, it would be appreciated!

While playing with this data, please note trends in the state which may or may not correlate with trends in the district. You can compare the data with the averages from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The goal is to have students at Proficient or Advanced. As far as the state is concerned, those two values mean the same thing.

Finally, if it has been awhile since you have been in school, or played with data, please keep in mind that correlation does not equal causation.

KIDS COUNT Data Center
